Monday, October 30, 2006

Some Insight into Internet and Network Marketing

Online Opportunities and Work
Copyright © Ali Brown
Tip! Create a timetable, your business hours and commit yourself to it.

With the invention of the internet, network marketing is a booming business. To get into this type of business just ten years ago, you would have had to be introduced into it by a friend or relative. Now that you have the internet, you can bring your network marketing opportunities and your products to a lot more people than ever before. You can use instant video, audio, and complete explanations of your business on the web. However, to do all this, you will need to have a website.

Tip! Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and get to work. ~ H.L. Hunt

One of the biggest problems with the majority of network marketing affiliate programs is that the website that they give you is basically a duplicate website that looks like everyone else's which makes the search engines ignore the website. What you really need is a website of your own, one that you can personalize with all of your information.

Tip! Don't give up on yourself.

What you will need first is a domain name. Try to select a domain name that has keywords in it pertaining to your business. If you can't do this, then it is still possible to get good rankings with the search engines without it. Next, you will need web hosting. Cheap web hosting is okay; however, keep in mind that you will get what you pay for in most cases. You will want to experiment with several different web hosting services to find the right one that meets your needs and most importantly that it will be up 100% of the time.

Tip! A good plan violently executed right now is far better than a perfect plan executed next week. ~ General George Patton

You will need to purchase some software to design your website and software to help you link your website to other websites of similar interests and quality. There is a wide variety of software out there. You may have to do some research to find the right one for you; however, most people use Macromedia's Dreamweaver or Frontpage. You could also purchase a website template that has already been designed for a small fee. There are also a few good free software programs that will help you design your website. There is really only one website linking software that you could ever need. Linking to your competitors is important because it will ensure that you get a steady flow of traffic from websites that are similar in content to yours. Zeus Reciprocal Link software is one of the best linking software programs out there.

Tip! Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion ~ G. W. F. Hegel

You must have the determination to learn how to design your website. A little skill does not hurt either. It can be a very frustrating process to design your web pages; however, it can also be very exciting and exhilarating. You can find many books and websites that will give you the information that you need to learn how to design your website. No one, but you, will know what you want and need on your website. So why hire someone else to do it when you can do it yourself?

About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit:

Home Business Success Stories

Online Opportunities and Work
Copyright © Ali Brown

Tip! If you don't commit yourself to your business you could lose interest over time.

Home businesses are extremely popular these days and their popularity continues to grow. Individuals are expressing an interest in this type of work as it provides them with a certain level of freedom that a normal 9 to 5 job may not provide them. They can work from home, stay home with their children, avoid long commutes and be their own boss. When considering these aspects, it is easy to see why this type of work is such a popular choice. For those who wish to learn more about home business success stories as they contemplate getting involved in this line of work, there are a few places where such stories can be found.

Tip! A good plan violently executed right now is far better than a perfect plan executed next week. ~ General George Patton

Read Home Business Success Stories on the Internet

The Internet is a wealth of knowledge just waiting for interested parties to take advantage thereof. There are many websites, forums and chat rooms which detail this type of business and provide an avenue in which home business owners can chat with one another and perhaps pick up good tips as well. Home business success stories are also readily available on websites relating to this topic and one is sure to find a number of stories to bide their time with.

Tip! Do or do not. There is no try. ~ Yoda

Purchase Home Business Books

Books which relate to home businesses are also continuing to grow in number. Since more and more individuals are starting their own home businesses, there are more individuals who are writing books about the subject and detailing their success stories relating to such. Home business books are beneficial for a few different reasons.

Tip! Most people never plan to fail, they simply fail to plan.

One who reads home business books will find that these books describe the business for the reader. This will provide the reader with valuable information as to running a home business. Also, home business books are beneficial as they provide success stories for the reader. These types of success stories are ones which will provide the reader with the confidence that they too can start up and run a successful home business. One will find a large variety of books which detail home businesses as well as home business success stories.

Tip! Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and get to work. ~ H.L. Hunt

Friends and Family Members

Lastly, home business success stories can be gained from friends and family members as well. Since home businesses are so popular, one may know someone close to them who runs a home business and they can listen to the success stories told by these individuals. Home business success stories provided by friends and family members are quite valuable as they are coming from a trusted source and many times the individual inquiring about such stories have seen the success stories personally.

Tip! Create a timetable, your business hours and commit yourself to it.


Learning about home business success stories is a great thing to do as it provides individuals not only with tips for their own businesses but the confidence to pursue their goals and dreams relating to running their own home business.

About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit:

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Home Business Network Marketing

By Ali Brown, aka "AliB" ~

Tip! The Low Risk Factor of Affiliate Marketing has become one of the major attractions for many Home Business entrepreneurs especially for those with low marketing budgets.

If you are looking for a good financial opportunity that will allow you to stay home with your family, then a home business network marketing program could be perfect for you. There are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of opportunities like these available to you and all of them can be conducted at home with your computer and the internet. If you are willing to invest the time and the energy, then you can receive some great financial rewards from your home business network marketing program.

How successful your home business network marketing program is will be based mainly on how much you are willing to invest in it. You can work at your own pace and set your own schedule. Many people find this very appealing and the ideal solution to their income problems. If you are looking for a way to earn some extra money, are a stay at home mom, are retired, then you will most likely find this type of business a good way to supplement your income.

To be a successful home business network marketing worker, you will want to be a self-starter who does not mind working by yourself and can mange to maintain a schedule. You will also want to be very friendly and enjoy talking with other people. You should be able to invest three or more hours a day to your network marketing program. It will require you to be focused and disciplined. If you are very easily distracted, then this might not be the right type of job for you. You may get the flexible hours you want with your network marketing business, but you will still want to invest those hours in order to make it a successful business.

Find a product or service to promote that you can get excited about. If you are not excited about it, then your customers will not be excited about it either. You will also want to work with a network marketing company that will give you all the support and ongoing training that you need in order to succeed. Browse through the internet and find websites that give you information on network marketing businesses and narrow your options down to three or four choices. Research your potential companies before you invest in them. Also, you will want to get quotes on how much it will cost you to get involved in the company.

What you can sell through your home business network marketing program is only limited by your imagination. Take your time when you think about the different products and services before you select one to promote. It can be very exhilarating and financially fulfilling being your own boss.

About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit:

Monday, October 23, 2006

Network Marketing as a Home Business

By Ali Brown, aka "AliB" ~

Tip! Failing to plan means planning to fail. What are your goals? ~ Brian Tracy

In the past few years home based business network marketing has grown and become a major force for helping people who want to work from home in touch with companies that are looking for home based workers. If you are looking for a home based MLM business, then you will find many choices on the internet. Some operations are known as turnkey operations. This just means that a product is bought and resold to another buyer who has visited the seller's website. The website is generally set up for the seller by the parent company. This kind of market can be a very successful market to get into. This type of home based business network marketing is open to any type of product that you want to sell. The wide variety of products that you can sell is limitless. Most sellers will end up selling products that they themselves are interested in.

MLM, multilevel business marketing, will pay its partners when other people join the team to sell their product. If you want to stop the daily grind of going to work every day, then a home based MLM business opportunity could be just what you are searching for. It can be very appealing to ponder the idea of sitting at your computer at home every day and earn an income; however, it is not a good idea for you to quit your day job just yet. The income you get to start with probably will not be enough for you to survive on. You could start on a part time basis and build your business to a point where you can quit your day job and work from home.

There are a lot of false claims out there about people who earn $50,000 in the first month. Sure, this could have happened, but this is not the norm for the average person. If you come across a business opportunity that claims things like this, then you should run for the nearest exit. Instead, look for a business that promises to train and mentor you so that you can learn the industry you are getting into. Also, you will want them to be up front about how much time it could possibly take to build your sales to a profitable level. Most businesses of this type do require an initial investment in the beginning. The investment should not be a huge amount. If it is, then look at the opportunity before you decide to participate in it. You should check out the Better Business Bureau before committing yourself to one of these business opportunities to avoid getting involved with a fraudulent company.

There are many familiar companies out there that have been home based for many years, such as those that deal in women's makeup and household products. You no longer have to go door to door, instead, you can set up a website and sell those products from there. You can even be a freelance writer from home.

About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit:

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Sell E-books and Make It BIG!

By Ali Brown ~

Tip! Most people never plan to fail, they simply fail to plan.

Many people these days are interested in learning various ways to make a good income without ever having to leave their home. Some open up their own businesses whereas others work in various job roles via online means. One way in which individuals have learned that they can make money is by selling e-books. There are a few tips to follow when interested in learning how to get rich selling e-books.

Focus on a Topic of Knowledge

Prior to selling the e-books, an individual has to write the book first. The best type of e-book to write and ultimately sell is one which focuses on a topic that the writer is highly knowledgeable about upfront. This is beneficial for two reasons. First, by having the knowledge to write the e-book the individual is preparing a well thought out book that will offer real advice or information to the purchasers of such books. Secondly, when a writer has a true sense of knowledge with relation to a certain topic they will be able to write the e-book in a fast, efficient manner thereby getting it out to the purchasers much more quickly.

Read Up on How to Prepare and Sell the E-books

In order to truly learn the best way to go about preparing and selling the e-books, writers should read up on the subject. This may provide them with helpful tips along the way and let them know how to get started with the sale aspect of the e-books. There are books available today which provide individuals with helpful insight from start to finish and this may be a good way to learn selling techniques as well as writing techniques.

Advertise Effectively

Once the e-book has been written and it is time to put it out on the sales market, the author needs to learn how to advertise in an effective manner. Individuals who are searching for e-books online will usually only read the first few lines or paragraphs of an e-book advertisement so it is important to advertise effectively and efficiently right in the beginning. This can be done in a bullet format or paragraph format with bold headlines. Whatever one chooses it is important to emphasize certain selling points so that readers can skim through the information and have their eyes hit on certain statements.


These are some of the best ways to get rich selling e-books. This may not happen overnight but if one contemplates the previously mentioned items, they may find that the sale of e-books increase and they have a good shot at making a nice sum of money from selling e-books. There are a lot of topics which can be constructed into an e-book and the writer simply needs to pick the best ones in which to construct their e-book.

About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit:

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Free Shocking Video

I am wondering if you could help me. I have created a new website
that I intend to distribute over the internet in a effort to raise
awareness about the harmful chemicals that may be in our homes.

If you have a moment, would you be so kind as to visit the site
and give me some feedback on changes I might make to be more effective.

Many thanks